Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Holy crap....ok time to catch up.

Ok so since I stepped up who could tell one would not have time to keep up on the blog? Wow is it crazy busy!

So lets catch up over the next few days!

September 2-6, 2010
Three days after step up am off to Anchorage, Alaska.  The really far Great White North!  So I hop on this little puddle jumper to fly into Seattle and then transfer to Anchorage.  The flight was ok but I got into a bit of a squabble with the attendant.  So I get on the plane with my jewels (not the family ones!) in my carry on and he turns to me and states that's not going to fit in the overhead.  Pish Posh!  It always fits in the overhead...well guess what...it didn't!  So he tells me we can put it under the plane....umm yeah not gona happen on your gay flight attendant ass!!  There is no way my jewels are going underneath.  Well there is a little closet at the front of the plane with might I add poorly packed luggage.  My bag can fit in their quite fine...but does the air stuart let me?  No...he's like it has to go under the plane.  I advised hell to the no its my jewels and they are fragile and in no way do I trust the monkeys loading things under the plane with my jewels.  So after a few choice words he advises me well you can put it under your seat but you will have less leg room.  Well duh!  Thanks captain obvious...but if ya haven't noticed there are like 10 people on the plan...Im sure I can stretch into the seat beside me.  That's the first part...then its later in the afternoon, early evening on the second plane.  Well that one is full of wonderful old ladies and the gayest of flight attendants you could imagine...more gay that that joke about the flight attendant and the princess!
So after a few extra shots in my drinks and a 3 hour plane ride and 1 phone number later, I land in Anchorage!
Eldon picks me up and its the most beautiful airport I've seen since traveling over the past 5 years!  We pop into Mad Myrna's for a couple cocktails and then off to Rosie Rotten's where we are staying for the next two days till Saturday.  Thursday is a nice laid back day with a roast at one of the martini bars.  Now I will say one thing...Alaskan's know how to drink....REALLY drink!  And this is just the first night...we make it back to Rosie's after the show and after a few more cocktails, off to bed...its been a long night.
So friday is the In Town show...fabulous performers and its wonderful meeting so many people.  It is truly amazing how an entire state bands together to raise money.  So plans are falling into place for their weekend and I get asked to sing the Canadian National anthem.  WOW! What an honour!
Saturday...oh my...what a day!
So we start with a light breakfast and up early that day so we can go on the Bear Run that they do every year.   They pile people on buses and send them down do a biker bar in the middle of nowhere. So we start the day off with a couple of shots, pile on the bus, the servers get stripped of their shirts and let the party begin!  Hot HOT HOTTT!  Jello shooters, beers and a 45 min drive.  What a blast...
We pull into the parking lot of this place and Eldon and I jump of the back of the bus and in we go.  So the thing with this place?  They sell $10 dollar pitchers of Alabama Slammers.  Great deal...so many photos and chit chat and drinking takes place until the bbq is ready.  Now I have to admit I know the picture is out there...and may be on my facebook somewhere...of a picture with my head through a hole in the wall and a sign that states "I was mounted in Alaska!"  How true it could be...there are a lot of VERY hot bears there!
So one of the other afternoon participation events is the competition of Emperor of Bear None Alaska.  Its a party title that comes with a walk at their coronation.  So I win for Emperor and the Empress that wins is Bootsie Carmichael, current Empress from Las Vegas...guess I got another wife this year!
Well we get back to Anchorage and back to the hotel.  Not even time for a nap...just a nibble and then off to the Out of Town show.  I get ready to do my performance and I am quite hammered at this point.  Thanks ALASKA!  But luckily enough not drunk enough that I can't pull out a flawless performance.  
So some of the wonderful people I met there was the Ho Family...of course I get made the
Oh Canada Ho...along with that I became a member of the Manacotti and Rotten families.  That makes me the Rotten Ho Manacotti.  Fun! 
Well the end of the night is coming to a close and I can be found in the cooler with Ma....MAAAAAAaaa!
She's the mother of the Ho family...the woman has the best watermellons on the planet.  And I don't mean what you are thinking! Its actual watermelon soaked in vodka....damn skippy thats good.  Needless to say it wasn't that great the next morning coming back up!  Sunday becomes a write off and I recover most of the day after protocol is in.  Coronation comes around and I am still ill.  But as they say, "Chin up, Boobs out, Its show time!"  I make it through coronation and a few cocktails later I start feeling better.  The night draws to a close and they crown the winners. Empress Paige and Emperor Cory.  What a wonderful couple!

may have mI spend the night hanging out and drinking with Cory.  Its wonderful actually getting to know Cory more that night.  Monday is laxed and sleep caught up on and finally my time to leave this wonderful magical place (and believe me Disney Land has nothing on Anchorage!).  After an all night flight and transfer I am back in Edmonton and resting.  But the weekend couldn't be what it was without a few special people so a big shout out goes to Cory, Paige, Eldon, Joni, Victor, Ma, Pasta Mama Manacotti, Spike, Scott and anyone else Iissed.