WOW! its a reality. College meeting tonight of past monarchs...what a fabulous process. I really felt I was prepared and things got put into perspective tonight. Been a tense couple of weeks preparing this application and I felt I was truly ready to handle the interview process...and I must have been as my application was accepted. So I stayed late at work as the meeting wasn't starting till 7. So off to prism I go. Ooops its sense sitting waiting for over an hour on an empty stomach! So I decide to go for a bit to suitable. A sushi restaurant beside a lesbian bar...ok maybe I will convert for an hour or so! Woo hoo..all you can I sit there and have my attention split between the book I am reading, the cute little asian girls that keep giggling at me and you guessed is SOCCER! I love to watch this sport...have you ever seen an ugly soccer or rugby player?
Pop on over to the meeting where I spent a good part of the meeting outside perched on a pole...insert what joke you like here...waiting for my turn to come in. Happily I have found out the candidate for Empress is the person I was hoping to run with Dee Luv. She finishes her interview and leaves for work as I am called in. Now this totally feels like I am in a John Grisham novel as I walk to the front of the pack. And I use pack..each one of them sitting their, eyes on you like your a lemur in the frozen tundra, ready to pounce like a bunch of hungry wolves. I take my seat at the front and await. My application is reviewed and apparently I need to use more comas...too many run on sentences? NEVER! its part of my charm. Insert breathe here! Then come the questions...I couldn't be happier to have been asked all the ones I am. It helps me learn and it certainly did tonight. I never knew I can come across as bullheaded or headstrong. Usually I have an idea, go for it, ask peoples thoughts and try to help them learn my vision. Note to self...must learn to listen more carefully...SQUIRREL! But on a serious was beneficial. They college takes its recommendation to the board immediately after my review upon which the board votes on their recommendations. Good news. I am advised immediately following the board meeting my application has been approved and I can commence campaigning as of July 28, 2010. So...bring on the preparations, the thoughts and the meetings with Dee (the Empress candidate) to prepare for a successful campaign. So what is this crazy world I am a part of...stay tuned for my next entry..The ISCWR!
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