Monday, August 30, 2010

And the winner is...

So needless to say life was a zoo from the out of town show lets catch you up on the weekend's events...

The Out of Town Show was held at The Junction Bar and Eatery.  In case you haven't heard its our newest gay bar.  Very quaint, wonderful owners and nice dark corners!  But don't let that fool you...everything you do can be seen!  And whether you are hungry or not you HAVE to order something from their menu!  It's to die for...personal recommendations are the turkey sandwich.  They actually cook turkeys to have real turkey meat!

Dee and I worked the door that night and it was a stellar show with people from all over the Imperial Court System.  Not a soul got past us as we are big on everyone being equal and contributing to the organizations success.  Even the candidates Dee and I paid for our tickets and we worked the event.  We finished the second set and finished the door at that point.  Now we could chat and talk with our out of town guests.  Some of us had a little too much fun drinking with our friends...I finally managed to sleep at around 3.

Saturday August 28, 2010....Crowing Day.  Am I nervous...not when I first wake up cause Mike and I run to get coffee and muffins for the girls.  When I get back however, and think of everything I had to do...the nerves kicked in fulltime and I was a mess.  We finally got to the hotel at 1:45 pm and I had to race up to Hospitality to hand in my protocol.  Just made it but nerves still were driving me crazy.  Lucky Dee takes me over to the bar and the orange juice and vodka takes the nerves away.  We do a lot of last minute running around, a couple more cocktails and then its show time.  5:24 pm....
Now for those who don't know what a coronation is like...its something you must check out.  6 hours of drag and protocol that is sure enough to entertain anyone....including my coworkers who finally managed to get there and find the hotel.  They must have arrived while I was upstairs changing for my candidate number.

So it starts off with a few glitches, bar performers not there yet, costume problems, you name it and all of a sudden they are 30 min ahead.  SH*T!  I run up to my room, throw makeup on, the costume and all of a sudden there is a knock at my door!  Its my roomate and president of the board. I'm on right now!  So I race downstairs and find that Dee is performing.  I was supposed to be before her so luckily I am ready and perform.  The nerves are completely gone and I hit that stage like I was meant to be on it.  Our number is practically flawless and after I am done the amount of people coming to me including some of the craziest performers in our community are amazed.  My number is fierce.  I start off in full suit, glasses and hat, do a little diddy, then my back up dancers lift this huge hoop with curtains on it and while I costume change, the curtains drop and here I am in leather pants, a white corset pvc, and a pair of pantyhose fishnet style stretched across my back and shoulders down my arms.  It's hot and something totally I don't wear at all.  I will have to keep this standard of performing up now! Pictures coming soon I hope as my camera didnt have any!

Finally, the time comes, the fourth set has just about finished and Dee and I are sequestered in the back room.  Its nerve racking waiting there for the previous monarchs to come get you.  Then all of a sudden they are their and your wisked rapidly down the hall and awaiting at the door and all you can hear from the outside is Your newly electeded Monarchs Emperor 35 Lj Steele and Empress 35 Dee Luv!  

Protocol is read, crowns are placed and its time to start and we turn to greet our kingdom.  

Now there were many times I have watched others step into this position, cry, complain, love and laugh and just be massively affected by the power of this situation.  I, for the most part just shook my head and said its crazy, I will be humble and kind and composed and nothing will cause me to react.  WRONG!  When you see the people standing there to congratulate you and say their respects its so surreal and when you see your partner there waiting to be first...well you cry to be honest cause there is just so much emotion to take in.  I'm very much an empath and react to those around me so I have learned to create a huge barrier to prevent this but those walls came crashing down.  And do you know what?  I am glad it happened.  That feeling right there is one that changes you as a person and how you see things.  Even now drawing on that memory I mist up.  There is no other sensation in the world and for everyone you see to be involved and a part of it is one of the best treasures in the world.

So dinner is ready and I will be back later to tell you the groundwork for our year.

Much Love and Puppy Kisses,
His Most Imperial and Sovereign Majesty, The XXXV Elected Superhero Wannabee, Playful Puppy Emerald Emperor of Edmonton and all of Northern Alberta
Lj Steele

Friday, August 27, 2010

One Show Down.....

Well its official...I'm on the homestretch to Coronation XXXV!  Last night was the in town show at Flash Niteclub ( where we kicked off the weekend festivities.  Now I know I haven't been able to update this much the past week but with many 3 am nites spent on preparing outfits, doing choreography, making sure stuff is place etc etc its been kinda future kingdom for a RED BULL!
So we had over 20 performers last night at our in town show with many title holders and the wonderful Buddy's Beauty's!  There was also courts from Vancouver, Las Vegas, Calgary and Winnipeg there.  My apologies if I have missed anyone!  It was a wonderful show had by all with some numbers that were crazy, made you cry, made you laugh and made you go WTF!  Even some virgin performers were out last night which we love to see.  If Dee and I are successful we want to foster and mentor this growth of our community with these new performers...after all...who will perform when the Old Ones are gone (Dee!!!) just kidding!
So tonight is our second night and I thought I would take a few minutes to let you know the remainder of the weekend...would love to see the followers out and about at the events.

In Town Show
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Location Flash Nightclub
$5.00 Cover (everyone pays)
Showtime 9:00 - Protocol 8:00 (NO LATE PROTOCOL)
Hosted by In Town halves Marni Gras and Jim McBride
NEW- Awards will be given out on this evening and not at the ball
Mother Jean Lawson
President's Award
Citizen of the Year
Millicent Lifetime Achievement Award

Out of Town Show
Friday, August 27, 2010
Location The Junction (former Boots location)
$10.00 cover (everyone pays)
Showtime 9:00 - Protocol 8:00 (NO LATE PROTOCOL)
Hosted by Out of Town Halves (Roxy/Breyanna/Cory)
Big Onion Command - Will be selling "raffle" tickets for this, the winner will be allowed to give the command to whomever they want.

    Saturday, August 28, 2010
    Managed by Empress Ida Claire
    10:00 - 3:00 & After ball until 3:00 AM
    Located in the Hotel 

    Coronation Protocol
    Saturday, August 28, 2010
    11:00 - 1:00 (NO LATE PROTOCOL ACCEPTED)
    one walk one title please
    send advance PROTOCOL to

    Saturday, August 28, 2010
    Doors open 5PM, Coronation begins 5:34 PM
    Coast Edmonton Plaza
    10155 105 Street Northwest
    Edmonton, AB T5J 1E2
    (780) 423-4811
    Please call directly and ask to be put in the ISCWR block
    Room rates are $109.00 per night + taxes
    Opening number by Anniversary Monarchs
    Ticket Prices $40.00 in advance $50.00 door
    Seating first come, first served

    Victory Brunch
    Sunday, August 29, 2010
    Location The Junction (former Boots location)
    $20.00 cover
    11:00 AM

    Coronation Survivor's Mimosa Party
    Sunday, August 29, 2010
    Location Woodys
    Following the Victory brunch

      Tough Drag
      Sunday, August 29, 2010
      Location Woodys 
      9:00 PM 
        The important part to note is to make sure you get out and vote at the Coast Plaza on Saturday at 5:34!
        See you all out and about!

        Wednesday, August 18, 2010

        What is the Imperial Soverign Court of the Wild Rose

        The Imperial Sovereign Court of the Wild Rose ( is operated by The New Royalist Social Society of Northern Alberta. The N.R.S.S.N.A. is a registered non-profit society incorporated in the Province of Alberta under The Societies Act of Alberta.
        The mission of the N.R.S.S.N.A. is to raise funds, through activities by the Imperial Sovereign Court of the Wild Rose, for charities and other organizations which either provide direct services to the gay community of Edmonton or which work to promote an accepting attitude to gays and lesbians in the community as a whole.
        The Society is governed by a Board of Directors elected at the Annual General Meeting, held at the end of September. 

        The mission of the Imperial Sovereign Court of the Wild Rose Social Association is to foster and promote acceptance of gay positive attitudes.

        In addition to some of the other positive aspects of the Court System, perhaps the best is that our organization is open to everyone. Our membership is made up of every aspect of society lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and heterosexual. A person's gender, lifestyle or mode of dress has no bearing on being a member of the court "family." 

        The objectives of the ISCWR are to:
        1. to provide funds to the John M. Kerr Memorial Scholarship fund
        2. provide a forum for education, support and acceptance of all sexual orientations and lifestyles
        3. to further relationships with businesses and organizations within our local communities
        4. to hold functions and fundraisers to benefit the communities
        5. to help those in the community who are in need of our assistance.