The Imperial Sovereign Court of the Wild Rose ( is operated by The New Royalist Social Society of Northern Alberta. The N.R.S.S.N.A. is a registered non-profit society incorporated in the Province of Alberta under The Societies Act of Alberta.
The mission of the N.R.S.S.N.A. is to raise funds, through activities by the Imperial Sovereign Court of the Wild Rose, for charities and other organizations which either provide direct services to the gay community of Edmonton or which work to promote an accepting attitude to gays and lesbians in the community as a whole.
The Society is governed by a Board of Directors elected at the Annual General Meeting, held at the end of September.
The mission of the Imperial Sovereign Court of the Wild Rose Social Association is to foster and promote acceptance of gay positive attitudes.
In addition to some of the other positive aspects of the Court System, perhaps the best is that our organization is open to everyone. Our membership is made up of every aspect of society lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and heterosexual. A person's gender, lifestyle or mode of dress has no bearing on being a member of the court "family."
The objectives of the ISCWR are to:
- to provide funds to the John M. Kerr Memorial Scholarship fund
- provide a forum for education, support and acceptance of all sexual orientations and lifestyles
- to further relationships with businesses and organizations within our local communities
- to hold functions and fundraisers to benefit the communities
- to help those in the community who are in need of our assistance.
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